Webinars and Events

Webinars and Events

BASE Education - Webinars and Events

How We Do It Series

March 15, 2023: How We Do It at Gervais School District

Guest Speakers Dr. Creighton Helms, Jill Woodward, and Fenya Aman will share details of the SEL journey at Gervais School District, OR. They will talk about how SEL has been delivered in schools in the past and the importance of implementing it today, especially with the many obstacles that students face. Working for a small district, Helms, Woodward, and Aman know firsthand the many hats you need to wear to provide the necessary service the students need.



Educator Walk-Through Series

March 23, 2023: BASE Education’s Exceptional Services Webinar

BASE Education’s Exceptional Services will provide our partners with an informative webinar to learn best practices, review how to use the platform, or hear about new platform updates.


Lunch-N-Learn Series

Stay tuned for our next “Lunch-N-Learn” event!


Stay tuned for our next Conference event!

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