Happy Students

The Solution for Student Mental Health Support

An Innovative, Interactive Mental Health Solution with Evidence-based Curriculum,
Crisis Intervention, and IEP Compliance on One Platform

Psychologically safe with built-in crisis alert system

BASE Education is a comprehensive student mental health platform that provides a psychologically safe, interactive, and evidence-based curriculum. Developed by mental health professionals, BASE Education is recommended by CASEL and designed to help students understand and articulate their emotions, develop self-regulation skills, and build healthy relationships with peers and adults.

The BASE Education Solution offers:

  • Flexible curriculum modules for personalized learning
  • Journalistic introspection for student processing and sharing
  • IEP compliance through screening, data capture, and personalized modules
  • BASEline Assessment Screener for social and emotional growth assessment
  • Built-in crisis-alert system with “Firewords” for immediate intervention
10 Ways that Schools Can Protect and Support Students’ Mental Health

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Tiers II and III Supports

BASE Education offers proactive support and prevention for Tier II and Tier III intervention with flexible and customizable curriculum. It helps students communicate better with therapists and counselors and is highly effective, with 77% of students using what they learn in their everyday lives. 

What Our Customers Say...
“The BASE program has been an incredible intervention, as well as an alternative to suspension in our building.  We have been able to incorporate our counseling staff, administration, and even some teachers into the BASE program, thus providing extensive added support for our students in need.” -Dean of Students, Large Urban High School

Are you ready to learn more?

Let’s begin a conversation about how BASE can be implemented in your school or district. Submit the form to connect with one of our team members and schedule an individual demo.

BASE Education has been used by more than 500,000 students nationwide and has helped to create deeper connections between students and educators.

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